Sunday, December 26, 2021


Today is my 29th birthday! The last birthday of my 20s!

I’m sure a lot of us have been on this mission to get our lives together before 30 as if the big 3-0 is the unofficial deadline to accomplish all things life. It’s so insane that we even thought 30 was old when we were kids when in fact it’s anything but.

My twenties were definitely challenging! This was a formative decade spent studying, forging career paths, navigating relationships, unlearning and pretty much just finding one’s self; which while rewarding was also and still very much a challenge.

Looking back on the last decade, I’ve grown so much. Reflecting on life is such an eye-opener. There were accomplishments and there were many failures; with both there were lessons learned. Really, I’ve learned a lot (not just academically). From graduating university, launching a start-up, buying my first car; there were many gratifying moments.

There’s still so much that I’d like to achieve before 30. So much! Lucky for me I have another year to accomplish more and I plan to enjoy this final twenties year as much as I possibly can. So, here’s my list of things I’d like to accomplish before my 30th birthday!

·         Travel to a new place

I have quite the list of places I’d like to visit. My traveling has been pretty non-existent for quite some time. My scheduled trip to Tulum, Mexico in April 2020 was understandably cancelled due to the global pandemic and Trinidad closing its borders in March 2020. So this year I definitely plan to get at least one trip in.

·         Improve my cooking skills

Ok, I absolutely love food! Cooking however has just not been my forte. I am convinced that in about ten years I’ll miraculously have a cookbook though. With that said, maybe I can commit to two meals.

·         Increase my savings

Let’s be real, financial stability is the goal. That’s the reason so many of us pursued certain career paths (amongst other reasons of course), started businesses or even invested. And getting older, the thought of building future homes or starting families can feel intimidating. Feel free to share any financial tips you may find helpful. Sticking to a monthly budget and having good credit are my top two! (Having a darn good job helps also ha!)

·         Getting out of my comfort zone

Starting my blog is actually the beginning! I wanted to create a blog about four years ago and to be honest, being an introvert, putting myself out there more than I needed was a deterrent.

·         Quit my current job

Though grateful for employment, it’s time to move on. There’s no other way to say it. I’ve gained so much knowledge during my tenure however I have outgrown it, in every way imaginable. I’m ready for new challenges. I honestly tried my best to leave pre-pandemic but we all know what happened next – and if you’re Trini, you know exactly how hard the job market is over here.

·         Maintain an exercise routine

I love to exercise, however, maintaining a routine while juggling life’s daily tasks has been a bit challenging.

·         Resume my Spanish lessons

One of the things in my life that was negatively impacted as a result of the pandemic was my Spanish lessons. I literally just stopped focusing the moment the pandemic began. So, that’s definitely at the top of my list.

·         Read more

I enjoy reading. Unfortunately, I don’t have the luxury of reading as much as I’d like to but I definitely plan to give it a bit more effort.

·         Expand my business

I have so many plans for Island Moisture. My brain is overloaded. From new formulas to rebranding – 2022 is bound to be interesting to say the least. Starting this new venture has definitely been challenging. Mistakes were made. Many lessons were learned. I have so far to go but I’m proud that I’ve made it to this point.

·         Maintain a self-care routine

I experienced burnout this year. I definitely pushed myself when it came to my business (plus working full-time) and I also plan to push myself even harder for this new year. Of course this isn’t the best thing for me mentally or physically so creating and maintaining a self-care routine, even if it’s something that I do right before bed, is a necessity. Taking time for myself is a must.

Thanks so much for following along and cheers to another year of life! I’m excited to have this space to share a bit about myself with you. I’m off to an amazing, fun filled week and by extension – year!

 x Akilah




  1. Love this!!! Can’t wait to see you accomplish all these things!!! Cheers to 29!

  2. You're gonna get everyone of these done! All the best!

  3. What a great read... looking fwd to moreeeee

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Lovely! Looking forward to your journey.


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